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BCCHA Hall of fame

Dr Denton Moffat, dvm

Inducted 2019

Denton spent his childhood growing up in and around a small community called Hazar, just east of Red Deer Alberta. His passion for horses, cattle and horsemanship started at a very young age, which included training horses, roping and a few years on the rodeo circuit as a saddle bronc rider. He then put himself through Veterinary School to round out his equine passion by specializing in Equine Veterinary practice. Denton then also began his cutting horse trainer/rider career at the age of 35 and hasn’t looked back.

Dentons rider earnings amass a whopping $1,856,793 based on Equistat earnings, the highest to date in Canadian history. All during the time he was working full time as an Equine Veterinarian.

At home in Canada he has won the CCHA open 9 times. Six times on a horse owned by the late Mike Prew, Docs Lena Doc with the last time being when Docs Lena Doc was 18 years old - says something about the horse, the team and the rider who took care of him during his show career.

Two times on Dox West Grey and most recently on Kit and Kaboonsmal. He is a multiple open cutting champion at Calgary Stampede and has won every futurity derby and classic challenge aged event held in Canada multiple times.

Denton remains the only resident Canadian trainer to secure a final at the Prestigious Augusta Futurity on Travelin Okie and the only resident Canadian trainer to secure a final at the prestigious Breeders Invitational in 2005 on Annie’s Cat.

Some of the other great horses he has shown include, Sportin High Brow, Smart Flo, Lucky IMA CP, No Guns In The Bar, Dee Bars Motion, Sonitas Poco, Champagnes Destiny, Doc Onita , Travel Play, Pistol Smart, Play Me Out, Pure N Like a Lena, Code Six Cat, CP Rattles, Smart Asa Whip

Denton was inducted into the CCHA Rider Hall of Fame in 2004.  Denton was also the first Canadian Rider to be inducted into the NCHA , Rider Hall of Fame, in Fort Worth Texas in 2008.  Most recently, he was awarded a “Legends of Cutting” award/acknowledgment during the Black Elk Cutting show, Ponoka, AB

Denton Moffat's wealth of knowledge and success in training and showing is remarkable. He has also shared many hours of his time helping fellow competitors in and out of the show ring, and is there to quietly give a word of encouragement when needed.

Les Timmons

 Inducted 2014

Vale Marie, a town southwest Saskatchewan, has had a number of famous residents - the renowned western author, Will James, Hall of Fame hockey player, Bryan Trotter and our own BCCHA Hall of fame inductee - Les Timmons.

Les grew up on a famous 76 Ranch, which is now incorporated into the Grasslands National Park.  He started his career in horses the “hard way” - breaking colts at the tender age of 12.  Within 10 years, he moved to Alberta as a full time professional trainer which marked the beginning of an illustrious training, showing, and judging career.  Les has done it all on horseback - roping, pleasure, reining, working cow horse and the activity that we know him for and at which he excels - cutting.

Les has won the CCHA Open and Novice Horse classes numerous times and has done so aboard the like of “No More Mr. Nice Guy”, “Smartfrele Cat”, “Genuine Peppy”, “HA Chicks Guitar”, “Syndicat”, and “Pipes Stylish Affair” to name a few.

Notwithstanding his accomplishments as a competition, Hall of Fame induction requires more.  Specifically… “an outstanding contribution of time, interest and effort towards the objectives of the BCCHA and an extraordinary commitment to the exhibition and/or promotion of cutting horses in BC.”  Les has, and continues to hold office in both the BC and the Canadian Associations.  He is the current president of the CCHA and has held that office for the last eight years.  His quiet determination and resolve are exactly what is required at a time when our sport is facing unique challenges and issues.  In recognition of this, he was inducted into the CCHA Hall of Fame in 2009.

Les has “turned back” or “sat in the corner” for virtually everybody involved in cutting during the past 30 years.  He has been a competitor, trainer, mentor, volunteer, judge and holder of office.

We, as members, by inducting Les into out Hall of Fame, acknowledge the unselfish contribution of his time, talent, experience and expertise to the sport of cutting inBC and to this association.

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Mary Lynn Zirnhelt

Inducted 2010

In 1966, Mary Lynn Zirnhelt was enrolled in secretarial school in Vancouver.  She attended the Northwest International Horse Show and saw cutting for he first time.  At that shows, she was privileged to see the late C.N. Woodward on one of the great cutting horses of all time - Peppy San.  This event made a lasting impression on her and would lead to a 40 year career in horses.

Mary Lynn had an interest and involvement in horses from the age of four.  Her interest in horses and horsemanship initially resulted in her competing in Western Pleasure and Halter classes.  However she continued to seek more exciting and challenging competitive venues and in 1984 she acquired her first cutting horse, Majors Choosey Bar.  In doing so, Mary Lynn did what many of us are guilty of she didn’t listen t those who have paid their dues and “gone down the road”. Instead she the novice cutter would start with a young and very “green” stud horse!  She has some limited success with “Choosey,” winning the 1985 BCCHA Novice/Novice Class.  However she soon learned it was time to move on. 

The pivotal point in Mary Lynn’s career occurred in 1983 when she attended a Jackpot cutting.  There she was to meet another Hall of Fame member, who was to become her future partner, friend and mentor Bob Zirnhelt.  From then on, she would be focusing exclusively on cutting.  This would result in a stellar 20 year career which took her to numerous Non Pro titles at the NCHA Western national Championships, the Calgary Stampede, the Canadian Supreme, the CCHA and the BCCHA finals.  Perhaps one of her finest moments was becoming a Non Pro finalist at the 1994 NCHA Futurity, out of a field of some 373 horses, on San Jo Sam.  She was also proud to be a member of the winning Canadian Team at the 1996 International Championships in Houston, Texas.  Theses events and accomplishments saw her mounted on such great cutting horse as Majors Cutter, San Jo Sam, DFL Doc’s D’or, DFL Pep D’or, My Baby Grand, and Hesa Son of Colonel to mention a few.

Notwithstanding individual achievements, Hall of Fame consideration and induction demands much more.  Canadians must go beyond individual accomplishments and demonstrate a commitment tot he promotion of cutting as a sport and the furthering of the aims and objectives of this association.  In 1983, Mary Lynn sponsored her first cutting.  From that point on tot he present, she has served cutting and this association in s many capacities - office holder at both the BC and Canadian levels, (president of the BCCHA for an unprecedented six terms) timer, announcer, judge, sponsor, host and mentor.  This Association and cutting owe her much.

In 1966, Mary Lynn watched CN Woodward, the first Hall of Fame inductee, compete.  Some 44 years later, her peers are according her the same consideration.  She has met, and exceeded, the standards set for this honor.

Dave Batty

Inducted 2008

At the formative age of 16, Dave Batty got a job at one of the “institutions” of cutting - the Douglas Lake Ranch.  That event marked the beginning of Dave's memorable and illustrious career in the training, showing, judging, promoting and sponsoring of cutting horses and their riders.  That span of time, from the sixties to the present has seen cutting evolve from and activity indulged in and enjoyed by a select few to the wider participation of the present day.

There were many who contributed to this growth in popularity - trainers and competitors, breeders and businessmen- but Dave Batty occupies a unique position in the sport of cutting.  He has been involved and contributed in all aspects of the sport and its organizational bodies.  His career has been extraordinary.  However he would be the first to acknowledge the mentors he has had- C.N. Woodward, Jim McDonnell, Don Dodge, Shorty Freeman, Matlock Rose - and the horses he trained, schooled and rode- Bonita Trivia, Moira Girl, Holeys Daisy, Peppy Say, San Gold Holly, Perry San, Smart Little Pep and in more recent times, Dual Til You Drop and Cat Sousa San.  Dave's mentors horses and his personal talent ad drive have led to incredible showing success and awards in Canada and the United States over a forty year career.

Dave also imparted his knowledge, expertise and experience in an illustrious judging career which saw him judge all levels of competition from jackpots to twice being selected as a judge of the prestigious NCHA Futurity. 

Success in training, showing and judging cutting horses, while noteworthy, is not sufficient grounds in itself to be inducted into he BCCHA Hall of Fame.  Indeed, Dave Batty is only the second professional rider to be so honored.  The BC Association was inaugurated on January 16, 1973.  Dave Batty was in attendance on that auspicious occasion and was instrumental in the formation of the Associations goals and objectives.  He was elected as a founding Director.  Furthermore, he served the BCCHA as Vice President in 2000 and 2001 and served in a similar capacity in the CCHA for an unprecedented seven terms.  

Dave Batty has had, and continues to have, a remarkable career in all aspects of the cutting horse world.  He has unselfishly shared his time, talent, achievements and knowledge with this Association and its members, past and present.  This acknowledges that contribution.

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Bob Threlfall

Inducted 2004

In 1964 Bob Threlfall was in Kelowna and saw a sign which read “Cutting Horse Contest”. Bob drove in and was subjected to a crash course on the challenges of cutting. The competitors of the sport and the ability of the horses made a lasting impression. At that point, Bob started a career in Cutting, which is spend 40 years he became afflicted with what Ian Tyson so appropriately calls “the disease of which there is no cure.”

On January 16, 1973 a meeting was held at the Vancouver polo club with the intention of forming a BC organization for cutters. The BCCHA was born and Bob was elected president. With the formation of the BCCHA, Bob was able to accelerate his cutting activities by purchasing more horses, entering more events, promoting and sponsoring shows, and becoming a top rated judge.

From those early years to the present, he has successfully and consistently competed in every decade winning the non-pro championship or reserve in the 70s right through to the 90s. The fact that Bob was in the top 10 in Canada for 15 consecutive years from 1964 to 1980 is a testament to his drive in his ability.

As noteworthy and successful as his competitive career has been, induction into the Hall of Fame requires more than success in the cutting pen. Bob was our first president and has been a Director numerous times over 30 years. He has promoted and has been Director in charge of countless shows. He has had a remarkable judging career and judged everything from the big shows to jackpots. Over the years he has mentored and encouraged many individuals to take up the sport. As a competitor, officer in the association, judge, Director in charge, and sponsor, Bob has done it all for Cutting and this association. We acknowledge his contribution of time talent and energy. His induction into the BC Hall of Fame is richly deserved and long overdue.

Rick Hook

Inducted 2001

Rick Hook was born and raised in a ranching family in Kamloops.  His early interest was rodeo where he was first exposed to cutting horses.  By 1975, he turned his interest and talent to cutting and “Got Hooked.”

In 1978 Rick rode the memorable Chickasha Bingo to Non-Pro honor's.  In 1979, Rick turned Pro and the ensuing years saw him enjoying outstanding success showing the like of Hot Rockette, Oakridge Gal and Majors Foxy Star.

The defining event in Rick’s show career is the CCH Breeder’s Super Stakes.  He won the 1995 Open aboard Mr. Stolen Freckles.  He repeated in 1999 riding Doc Freckles Gold.

As accomplished a Rick and his horses have been, his talent as a teacher will form much of his legacy and contribution to cutting.  He possesses a particular talent in teaching, supporting and encouraging the Non-Pro to reach his or her potential.  The proof of this talent is in the accomplishments of numerous Non-Pro competitors.  Rick is their trainer, mentor and friend.  He gives them honesty and encouragement and unselfishly imparts all the knowledge, skills and experience he possesses.

The training and showing of cutting horses is not, in itself, enough to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.  Indeed, Rick is the first professional rider to be inducted.  Rick has made a significant contribution to the BCCHA by serving as President in 1987 and 1993-1997.  He has had a major influence on the Futurity, been a supporter of youth cutting and has “turned back” or been “in the corner” for all and sundry.

Rick Hook has contributed his time, effort and talent to this Association.  He has promoted and championed cutting in every respect - competitor, teacher, holder of office.  He has done so with his unique sense of fairness and sportsmanship.  The Hall of Fame is the highest honor this Association can bestow.  With this induction we acknowledge Rick Hook’s contribution to our Association and to cutting.

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David Whittall

Inducted 2000

David Whittall came to cutting in 1984.  The early days of his cutting career saw him aboard “Hur Rey.”  In due course Dave graduated to “Dry Mist”.  He experienced the trials, the tribulations and finally success.  He was BCCHA $10,000 Non Pro Champion in 1989 and 1990 aboard Dry Mist.

Finally Dave was united with “Adobe Creek Doc” and his mentor Dave Batty.  Riding Adobe with Dave Batty in his corner, he achieved his cutting goals - the CCHA and the BCCHA Open Gelding Championship and qualification in the Canadian Top Ten Non Pro in 1992 and 1993.

Dave never forgot that the promotion of cutting in terms of events and venues is the very life blood of its survival.  He was involved in expanding cutting at the Coast.  He was always a significant and consistent contributor to the sponsorship of various shows.  His briefcase which accompanied him wherever he went was always packed with membership applications and sponsorship forms which he would produce at the slightest provocation or opportunity.

Dave was extensively involved in both the BC and Canadian Associations.  He was President of the BCCHA Fromm 1988 to 1992.  This was a period which saw an increase in members, the number and variety of classes and enhanced standards of judging.  From 1993 to 1995, Dave served as President of the CCHA.  His tenure in this office was focused on healing some of the dissension which had arisen between the Provincial and Canadian Associations.  What Dave brought to this situation was an ability to achieve a desirable result without disrupting the basic harmony or sacrificing principles.  His conciliation and negotiation skills were what cutting heeded at that pivotal point in time.

It was always David’s wish that his beloved sport be conducted in a classy and responsible manner.  Please acknowledge the induction of a “class act” into the BCCHA Hall of Fame.

Bob Zirnhelt

​Inducted 1997

Bob‘s involvement in cutting in in the association began in 1978. Len Monical let Bob climb on his memorable gelding, Rockefeller and Bob was hooked on the sport of cutting. Within three years Bob had trained his first cutting horse Ginger and won the first of many buckles and awards.

As a competitor, Bob has been a multiple non-pro champion at the super steaks and at the Canadian. In 1996 he was a member of the Canadian team which one the international championship and Houston Texas mini horses were instrumental in his success.

Majors Cutter, Major Renee, Cutters Classic, My Baby Grand, Jewel Bars Bingo, Stormin Norman, and his current stallion Doc Freckles Leo. He and Majors Cutter (lte $130,000) were the ultimate team and scored a “triple” in 1989- the BC, the Alberta and the Canadian non-pro championship.

His contribution to the breeding, and the promotion of cutting horses has gained international providence. He and Mary Lynn have assembled an outstanding broodmare band possessing the bloodlines of Doc O Lena and Peppy San. The offspring of their stallions Major Renee, Cutters Bonanza, Haidas Foxy Lena and Doc Freckles Leo, have earned Zirnhelt Cutting Horses an outstanding reputation.

One can win awards as a breeder and or competitor but those accomplishments in themselves will not gain one entry into the Hall of Fame. An unselfish devotion to the sport of Cutting will gain one this recognition and Bob Zirnhelt has been outstanding in this respect. He has been the president of the BCCHA from 1981 to 1986; an inductee into the Canadian cutting horse Hall of Fame in 1992; the recipient of the 1989 Canadian pro rodeo award for his contributions to Cutting in Canada; a Director of the Canadian cutting horse association and the cutting horse breeder association.

These are significant accomplishments, but there are others that require mentioning. He has been instrumental in introducing new people to Cutting, by offering his horses, his talent and his time; prominent in organizing, judging and cutting clinics, to improve the caliber of competition and those who judge it, and the moving force behind the Maturity, Classic/Challenge shows.

He has generously donated cattle charges to many worthy organizations, such as the Riding for the Disabled; attended shows which were facing cancellation for lack of entries when his own interest, both business and personal were compromised; encourage to hold and helped many newcomers, young and old and in the sport of cutting; turned back or stood in the corner for virtually everyone involved in cutting over the past 15 years and instigated and generously supported numerous fundraising activities for the association.

This award is presented to Bob for his having played such a significant role in shaping this association, and the success of cutting in BC. He has made, and we know he will continue to make a big difference to cutting. This induction into the Hall of Fame is our way of saying “thanks.”

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Bill Ferguson

Bill Ferguson and Al Quigley Inducted - 1996

When the BCCHA was established in January, 1973, there

were 9 people present at the inaugural meeting representing a membership of some 45 members. Today, this association has 170 members. That growth was made possible by the contribution of a number of individuals. Two of those special people to whom cutting owes so much are here tonight to receive the highest honor that this association can bestow - induction into the Hall of Fame. It is my purpose, indeed, my privilege to be a part of the induction of Bill, Ferguson and Al Quigley.

Bill and Als individual achievements are varied and significant:

Bill held office in both the CCHA and the BCCHA. He was President of the BCCHA from 1977 to 1980 and President of the CCHA, in 1982 and 1983 (the first B.C. member to serve in that capacity). Bills contribution, to both organizations - the B,C. and Canadian Associations - is unsurpassed. The impact of his unselfish devotion to cutting and its organizations resulted in governing bodies which were relevant, vibrant and financially sound. as a contestant, Bill won numerous major shows riding Peppy Isle and Isle Be There. In 1977, he reached a significant goal as a contestant by riding the memorable “Babe Kilebar” to the Canadian Non- Pro Championship. In addition he probably "turned back” at one time or another for virtually everybody involved in cutting at the time.

Al served the BC and Canadian Cutting Horse Association as a Director and or Vice President from 1973 to 1982. He competed on such horses as Rocky Brooks, Quagmire, Peppy Rae Del, and Isle Be There.  He judged all the major shows - the Kamloops Indoor Rodeo, the PNE and Douglas Lake.  He was the “host extraordinaire” of the Pineview Cuttings and the Quigley and Ferguson hospitality which was unsurpassed.  Al credits his initial interest in cutting horses to a horse names Trivia Duster.  Now Trivia was tiny and his owner/rider was to be kind, rather substantial.  Not withstanding this difference in builds, Trivia still managed to put his owner in the money at many a cutting and Al was “Hooked” on cutting horses.

Al Quigley

Al Quigley - Inducted 1996 (Continued)

Significant as their individual accomplishments are, it is the joint contribution that Al and Bill gave to cutting for which they should be justly proud and for which we are honoring them - the establishment of the Maturity, the hosting of the Pineview Ranch Cuttings, the establishment of the clinics to improve our standards in this vital area of our sport, the breeding and showing of "Peppy Isle" (the 1975 Canadian, High Point (Horse as well as a 1979 gold inductee in the CCHA Hall of Fame) and 'Isle Be There" (the 1978 Canadian Futurity Champion). It was Al and Bill who established the BC jackpot cuttings which are so vital to broadening participation in cutting and giving the casual or first time cutter an inexpensive way to compete and gain that all - important experience.

Al and Bill gave of their time, their money and their effort to promote cutting in this province and in Canada, as a whole.  They were instrumental in introducing cutting to Bob Zirnhelt and Rick Hook to name but two and they were supportive of Bill Collins, Dave Batty, Bob Threfalt, Lance Underwood and Fred Long.

In the context of the times when Al and Bill were first involved in cutting, the sport tended to be an activity for the select few. By offering their horses, their time; hospitality, support and encouragement, they popularized cutting and broadened its appeal. Truly they made a difference.

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Len Monical

Inducted 1993

On the formation of the BCCHA, in 1973 one of the inaugural directors was Len Monical. He has served disassociation in the sport of cutting with honor and selflessness in many capacities - as president of the BCCHA in 1976 and 1977, as a Director in a committee chairman of the BC and Canadian associations on countless occasions as a judge a teacher, a trainer, a competitor, a sponsor, a coach and supporter to our youth and cutting, and there’s an artist we like to call “one of our own.”

He has influenced cutting and our association in many ways, but there are two which are particularly noteworthy - the contribution of his art to our sport bears particular recognition, and that he has created and co-sponsored sculptures for the BC year end awards, the 76 1/2 sculpture for the CCHA open award and award for the BC Futurity. In 1991 he created and cosponsor two very special awards - the William lake non-pro award, honoring the Carson family’s contribution to Cutting and the Peppy San memorial award, which replace “76 1/2” as a CCHA open award.

The second area of accomplishments is Len success in the cutting arena. From his early days board Rockys Champ to his recent horses, he has demonstrated excellence in class as a competitor. He trained and showed Peppy Sammy to the Open championship of the Canadian cutting horse Futurity in 1986. Len and Rockerfeller made the CCHA High Point Horse in 1975 and won the BCCHA Open in 1979, 1981, 1982, and 1983. From 1973 to 1983 inclusive lend placed in the CCHA and or BCCHA top 10.

If there was a horse and rider who were synonymous as a team and cutting, it was Len Monical and Rockerfeller. Who could forget the site of this big, tough, talented gelding challenging a cow with a writer who instructively knew when “to ask” and went to let him “do his thing.” What a sight they were, and what an honor it is to be a part of inducting Len Monical into our Hall of Fame.

C.N "Chunky" Woodward

C.N “Chunky” Woodward - Inducted 1991

On January 16, 1973 a meeting was held at the Vancouver polo club with a view to the formation of the association to promote the sport of Cutting in British Columbia. At this inaugural meeting the British Columbia Cutting Horse Association was born. It’s first vice president with C.N. “Chunky“ Woodward.

It is also appropriate that CN Woodward is the first inductee into the BCCHA Hall of Fame. His presence influenced and contributed to the association, and its aims are manifest - breeder of cutting horses, promoter of cutting gracious host judge, contestant, champion, and friend no - C.N. Woodward was all of these.

He was vice president of the CCHA from 1968 to 1972 and in 1988 was inducted into the CCHA Hall of Fame. And all that “C.N” undertook, whether it was business or recreational, social or charitable he demonstrated his own personalize sense of excellence.

His name will forever be associated with horses who are legendary to the cutting horse world - Peppy San, Peppy Cali, Peps Matlock, Bonita Tivio, Peponita, Stardust Desire, and the appropriately named, Chunkys Monkey.

While he excelled as a competitor in Canada and the United States and rode Peppy San in the 1969 Canadian open champion C.N. Woodward’s “stamp” on the sport of cutting will live forever through the purchase, breeding and sale of cutting horses by the Douglas Lake Ranch. The horses he brought into Canada and incorporated into the ranch is breeding program or a legacy that all cutters - past present and future - benefit from acknowledge.

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